tiistai 12. toukokuuta 2009

Nomen est omen

Minun sukunimeni tarkoittaa pientä lintua. En ole koskaan tuntenut tarvetta vaihtaa nimeäni miksikään muuksi. 

My surname means a little bird. I have never felt the need to change my name to anything else.

Viime aikoina olen kiinnittänyt enemmän ja enemmän huomiota ympärilläni oleviin lintuihin. Nukun ikkuna auki öisin ja aamulla on hyvä herätä siihen, että linnut laulavat pihalla. Ulkona kävellessä katseeni hakee lintuja ja olen onnellinen löytäessäni maasta sulkia. Viime viikolla valitsin sen kummemmin ajattelematta vanhoihin kehyksiin uudet kuvat, linnunmunista. Ja viikonloppuna lasten kanssa askarrellessa muotoilin massasta erilaisia lintuja. 

Recently, I have paid more and more attention to the birds around me. I sleep the window open and it's good to wake up in the morning when birds are singing outside. I search the birds with my eyes when walking outdoor and I'm happy if I find the feather from the ground. Last week I chose the new images to the old framework, bird's eggs. And this weekend when modeling the mass with the children I made different kind of birds.

Kun olin lapsi ja lintu lensi kodin ikkunaan, äitini sanoi aina, että sillä on jokin viesti kerrottavana. Ja kun tikka hakkasi pihapuussa, silloin oli aina jotakin ikävää tulossa. Linnut ovat ihmeellisiä.

When I was a child and the bird flew to the window my mother always said that it has a message to tell. And when the dart knocked the yard's tree, there was always something sad to come. Birds are amazing.

6 kommenttia:

Rumour has it kirjoitti...

It´s very pretty to have the name of a bird! My husband´s family-name (he´s from Lithuania) is the French name for a sort of mushrooms!! That´s maybe less romantic... :D
The white decoration-birds are really beautiful, take care that they won´t fly away! :)
All best greetings, Marjolijn

Black on White kirjoitti...

Names could be very funny!

I hope these birds stay with me. They pleased me very much although I haven't found the right place for them yet.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Such a pretty name!!
Sometimes it's very funny to hear what is the meaning of a name ;o)
My first name means 'God is with us', it is a hebrew name. And my second name Liane, means something like downy ;o) (not very pretty)...
Birds are wonderful animals - they can fly everywhere, they are free!!
And to hear them singing in the morning is fantastic!

Black on White kirjoitti...

Thank you!

Wonderful meaning of your name. Have you ever ask from your parents why they chose just that name?
My second name, Irene, is same than my mother's second name. It's great that names run through family.

Hope you have had great day! Weekend is so close again.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Hi Piia!
I do not know if my parents really know what it is the meaning of my name. My mother said that she like this name and in this times it was a modern name. Some of my schoolfriends called also Manuela. It was very funny 'cause two of us sat at the same table and the third behind us...
My brothers second name is the same as my father's name und the second of my father's name is the one of my grandpa and so on. I like it very much ;o)

violet kirjoitti...

Linnut ovat paitsi ihmeellisiä niin minusta myös kummallisia. En mitenkään varauksetta pidä linnuista.Eikä se ole Hitchcockin syy.

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