sunnuntai 5. huhtikuuta 2009

Summa summarum

Viikko meni joutuisasti ja koostui monista sellaisista osasista, joita en osannut odottaa. Yksi suurimmista yllätyksistä oli ystäväni pikavisiitti kesken pahimman remonttirysän. Suuresti hänen ansiotaan oli, että maalaukset valmistuivat perjantaina ja jo illalla tavarat olivat pitkälti omilla paikoillaan ja me saatoimme keskittyä ruuanlaittoon ja toistemme seurasta nauttimiseen. 

The week went quickly and was composed of many blocks which I wasn't expected. One of the biggest surprise was that my dear friend visited in the worst renovation. Paintings project was completed on Friday and big thanks belong to her. Already in the evening the things were largely on their own places and we were able to focus on cooking and enjoying each others company.

Illan menu oli seuraavanlainen:


The evenings menu:

Mozzarella-Tomato-Basilica salad
Thyme-Rosemarie bread
Bacon and chicken pasta with mushrooms

Odotettu H&M:n paketti saapui perjantaina ja viikon kruunasi eilinen Veikka Gustafssonin ja Juha Tapion näkeminen. Ei hassumpi viikko ollenkaan, vaikka harvoin "lomaviikon" jälkeen olen ollut näin väsynyt. 

The expected H & M's package arrived on Friday and the week was crowned by seeing Veikka Gustafsson and Juha Tapio yesterday. Not a bad week at all, although rarely after "holiday week" I have been so tired as now.

3 kommenttia:

Rabbit and the Duck kirjoitti...

Everything looks so delicious - I'm so impressed you managed to prepare all that after your tiring renovations! You have definitely given me some much needed motivation and energy this morning : )

Kaylovesvintage kirjoitti...

I'm a salat person, that looks great

Black on White kirjoitti...

Thank you Shannon and Kay!
My good friend helped me. Without her I'd have been lost. She is worth her weight in gold!
I'm happy that I could increase your motivation.

Have a nice week!

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